This property has a Good CSR and Great Farmability. The property is composed of one tract of land totaling 183.92 +/- acres, more or less, in Sec 19-91N-29W. Highlights: Good CSR On Pavement Great Farmability Location of Auction: Humboldt County Fairgrounds, 311 6th Ave N, Humboldt, IA 50548 Date of Auction: Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 at 10:00 AM Directions to the Farm: From Humboldt, head South on 169 S for 1.9 miles, Turn West (right) onto 250th and drive for 4.7 miles. The land will be on the South (left) side of the road. Location of Land: Located 5.6 miles Southwest of Humboldt, Iowa Legal Description: Sec 19-91N-29W, Parcel IDs: (10-19-100-001, 10-19-100-002, 10-19-100-003, 10-19-100-004) Selling Multiplier: 183.92 Taxes: $6,422 Estimated CSR2: 83.1 (Tillable) Zoning: A-1 Ag Farm Tenancy: Farm Tenancy is open for 2025. Survey: A survey has been completed on this tract. The selling multiplier reflects the surveyed acres.