This property is in a good location and includes pattern tiling. The property is composed of one tract of land totaling 219.43 +/- acres, more or less, in Sec 25-92N-14W. Highlights: Good Location Good CSR Pattern Tiled Legal Description: Sec 25-92N-14W, Parcel IDs: (0525200006, 0525200002, 0525200003, 0525200009, 0525400001, 0525400003) Selling Multiplier: 219.43 Taxes: $6,530 Estimated Tillable Acres: 200.17 (Surety Maps) CSR2: 74.6 (Tillable) Zoning: A-1 Ag Rent Payment: The Seller will be keeping the 2024 rent payment. Farm Tenancy: Farm Tenancy is open for 2025. FSA Information (156 Farm Record): *Found in the documents tab. Description: Sec 25-92N-14W FSA Number: #6067 FSA Tract Number: #12342 FSA Farmland Acres: 219.82 +/- FSA Cropland Acres: 203.93 +/- HEL & WETLANDS: NHEL and HEL Total Base Acres: 168.80 +/- Corn Base: 110.90 +/- PLC Yield: 172 Soybean Base: 51.90 +/- PLC Yield: 54 Oats Base: 6.00 +/- PLC Yield: 59