Location of Auction: Hawkeye Community Hall, 102 E Main St, Hawkeye, IA 52147 Date of Auction: Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 11:00 AM Location of Land: Located 2.8 miles Southeast of Hawkeye, Iowa Legal Description: Sec 34-94N-9W Parcel ID (0634100009) Selling Multiplier: 40+/- acres Taxable Acres: 39+/- acres Taxes: $1,494.00 Estimated Tillable Acres: 38.77+/- acres CSR2: 88.2 CSR2 Tillable Zoning: A-1 Ag Farm Tenancy: Farm Tenancy is open for 2025 for all five tracts. FSA Information (156 Farm Record): Description: Sec 34-94N-9W FSA Number: #8255 FSA Tract Number: #9769 FSA Farmland Acres: 38.74 +/- FSA Cropland Acres: 38.74 +/- HEL & WETLANDS: NHEL Total Base Acres: 38.74 Corn Base: 33.41 PLC Yield: 127 Soybean Base: 5.33 PLC Yield:: 41